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Noom Diet Review 2023: Costs, Pros and Cons

Noom is a subscription service for a mobile health app that promotes behavioral changes to improve health, as opposed to a conventional diet.

To put it simply, Noom is not cutting edge. In fact, it first appeared in 2008 as a basic fitness and calorie counter. In 2016, however, the app also had a psychology and behavior modification section, as well as user support groups and individual coaches.

Noom’s weight reduction program was developed by a staff of behavioral health professionals that studied cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and other related topics to identify the underlying causes of people’s weight gain and obesity. Noom’s main goal is to have people thinking positively before they ever think about food. “Once you determine the things you’re ready to work on, your mindset will help you form new neural connections over time to change your habits,” says the company’s founder.

Noom-based weight reduction nowadays entails a focus on self-awareness and responsibility in addition to dietary and emotional management in order to produce long-term success.

What’s the deal with Noom?

The first step in starting the Noom diet is answering questions that no other diet has ever had me answer.

Take a quick questionnaire to get started on the path that’s right for you.

The program starts out with a brief online survey (approximately 10 minutes) asking basic questions about your demographics and motivation for losing weight. There are questions about how frequently you eat, how often you exercise, and whether or not you have a family history of specific diseases.

Then, inquiries such, “Has your weight increased because of any recent changes in your personal circumstances?” in addition to “Why are you unsure about achieving your weight loss goals?” appear for periodic evaluations of conduct.

After making a purchase, you may download the app to your mobile device and set up an account.

After signing up for Noom and making your payment, you will be prompted to download the Noom app. It’s only compatible with iOS devices running 12.4, and Android devices running 6. It’s compatible with iPads and Android tablets, but they lack motion sensors, so their usage is restricted. (Noom has a step counter). After downloading the app, you’ll be prompted to log in using the email address you provided when you signed up for the service.

3.Schedule time with your trainers, commit to your sessions, and get your daily calorie allotment.

Noom requires its users to finish 10 short courses on psychology and behavior modification over the course of 16 weeks. You may start the courses whenever you have between five and sixteen minutes to dedicate to them each day. A goal coach will be assigned to you within the first two days, and they will contact you roughly twice per week to see how things are going, ask questions, and provide encouragement.

After a few more days in the program, you’ll be placed in a cohort with a coach and similar peers. The group coach oversees the online support group, shares weight reduction advice, and interacts with participants as necessary. The goal coach and the group coach have each completed 2,000 hours of wellness training and have a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.

Your calorie limits have been calculated using the data you provided. As the first mobile health program to get CDC recognition for offering an evidence-based type 2 diabetes prevention program, Noom’s diabetes prevention program may be recommended for certain obese and pre-diabetic individuals.

Using the Noom diet app as a home food diary

You’ll need to keep track of what you eat and how much exercise you do every day, as well as stick to your daily calorie budget (the number of calories your body needs to be alive). You may also choose to spend two to ten minutes every day reading brief pieces on topics such as stress reduction, healthy nutrition, and thinking positively.

Noom also has a step counter, so as long as your phone is in your possession during the day, you can keep track of your daily step count. The app suggests keeping a daily diary of your blood pressure, blood sugar, and fluid consumption.

Although a Noom subscription may be purchased for a minimum of 16 weeks, customers are urged to purchase as much as a year’s worth of service at a once. My calorie limit of 1,250 calories each day for 16 weeks allowed me to lose the desired 12 pounds. After entering my daily food intake, the app informed me of how many calories remained in each food group (described below). When I ate more than I should have, I received no criticism, only encouragement to stick with the plan and insight into what may have led to my poor eating day. (or week).

The Noom Diet: What Can You Eat?

I’ve never attempted a diet plan before that didn’t restrict any certain foods or food categories as much as this one does. Any limitations are entirely voluntary. Noom caters to those who are vegan, gluten-free, or on a low-carb diet, but it never says anything negative about food.

The Noom team contends that the heaviness of a meal, rather than its caloric content, is the key to feeling satisfied after eating, and so they’ve developed a color-coded food system to reflect this. (CD). The CD of a meal drops as its water content rises. As a result, you may eat less of these meals and yet feel full since they have a low CD.

Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are all examples of “green” foods that are rich in water content and nutritional density yet low in calories.
In comparison to green meals, the calories and nutritional value of yellow foods including lean meats, lentils, and low-fat dairy products are higher.
Red Meats, Processed Foods, and Full-Fat Cheese: These are the Highest Calorie, Lowest Nutrient Foods. You may get 25% of your daily calories from portions ranging from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup.
The Noom diet plan never forbids “red” foods; rather, it recommends limiting your intake of these items. When you enter a meal into Noom, it is immediately assigned a color, allowing you to see where your diet may need some work.

Pros and Cons of Noom

Pros of Noom

Currently, I have four note cards containing “Noomerisms”—words of wisdom gleaned through daily log-ins to Noom—pinned over my desk. You’re not only taking a beating; you’re dishing it out, too. Catch the wave. Noom is so much more than just a weight reduction tool thanks to these kinds of daily affirmations. In no other diet plan did I find a five- to nine-minute daily read on dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) to help me cope with the pressures of starting a new job. (and the mindless eating that comes with it). DBT’s use of mindfulness ideas helped me understand why I was wallowing in the past while munching on buttered popcorn seasoned with truffle salt rather than focusing on the present and bringing at least one pleasant sensation to my senses.

Another three-minute read enlightened me to the psychological idea of locus of control, which looks at whether or not an individual attributes control over events and outcomes to themselves. If you tell yourself things like “I don’t have enough willpower to lose 5 pounds,” you have an internal locus of control. You’re putting all the blame on yourself for becoming overweight. However, an external locus of control, or the propensity to blame other influences for outcomes, is present if one believes, “I can’t lose weight because my spouse loves to eat out.”

The Noom diet plan works, which is why you have to read articles like this one every day to make progress. You may improve your relationship with food and your overall health by being more self-aware and addressing the underlying mental causes of your overeating, bad food choices, and diet failure.

Responsibility and encouragement
With Noom, you’re prompted to take responsibility not just for what goes into your mouth, but also for the reasons you provide for doing so. Weekly check-ins with certified health coaches to cheer you on and acknowledge your achievements. You may connect with other people who use Noomer and learn from their experiences losing weight, increasing their water intake, and increasing their activity levels. You may join the group conversation inside the app, or if you hit it off with a few of other users, you can connect with them outside of the app and establish your own Noom squad.

Goal-oriented, sustainable weight reduction
Noom gives you the dedication, knowledge, and awareness you need to keep the weight off for good. There are no fast cures, dietary eliminations, or meal timing recommendations in this program. One Noom philosophy that promotes what the company claims is sustainable weight reduction is a focus on eating entire foods and forming a healthy connection with them.

Cons of Noom


The monthly cost may be more than some people are ready to pay on a weight reduction program, despite the availability of free trials and discounts. After comparing the prices of bars, drinks, and supplements across various popular weight-loss plans, I discovered that they were all around the same price.

Huge commitment
I used to look forward to the daily readings, but now I find it difficult to record my every meal. Noom also requires you to weigh yourself every day, which might be challenging for some individuals. I, too, failed to keep my weekly appointment with my goal counselor. The communication was ineffective because it was too formal and infrequent.

No specific meal plan and no prepared food delivery options

Noom is not the app for you if you need pre-cooked meals or a prescribed diet. Aside from the daily calorie allowance and the suggested percentages of red, yellow, and green foods, Noom has no restrictions on what you may eat. Some people may thrive with more options in what they consume, while others would feel lost without the framework of rules and guidelines.

Some days I just didn’t feel like thinking about or preparing food for a meal. Instead, I had a bowl of cereal because I was bored, hungry, and since Noom allowed it within my calorie limit.

Can I get Recipes with my Noom?

Noom’s subscription services include a recipe database powered by Rodale, Inc., the creator of several health-related websites including Prevention, Women’s Health, and Men’s Health. The business claims that this database has more than 1,100 different recipes that are neatly organized under four distinct meal and snack types.

Who Can Benefit from Noom?

People who have tried and been unsuccessful with other commercial diet regimens may find success with Noom. Noom may also be useful for those who want to know things like, “What triggers you to eat when you’re not hungry?” because of its emphasis on behavioral modification. And how to choose healthy meals without sacrificing taste.

People who learn and thrive with the encouragement of others may also benefit from Noom’s instructional and coaching features.

What is Noom’s typical weight loss success rate?

Noom claims that users may expect to lose roughly two pounds each week by adhering to a caloric deficit created by eating closer to the lower end of their Weight Loss Zone. According to the firm, a person who is eating at the upper end of their Weight Loss Zone may expect to lose around half a pound every week.

Does Noom Work for Vegans, Vegetarians and Plant-based Diets?

Noom claims that their weight reduction program is suitable for anyone who follow a vegetarian, vegan, or other plant-based diet. Noom’s premium features include plant-based meals, and the firm says its coaches can assist users make the switch to a plant-based diet if they so want.

How Does Noom Compare to WW (WeightWatchers)?

If you’re trying to reduce weight, you may find success with either Noom or WW (WeightWatchers).

Users of the WeightWatchers app, which the firm claims contains a nutrition plan, food and activity trackers, recipes, and weekly progress reports, may look forward to receiving these benefits, as well. Workshops may be taken either physically or virtually. There are two WeightWatchers plans to choose from:

  • Basic: Which begins at $15/month
  • Premium: Which starts at $30 a month

Noom members may anticipate a weight reduction program that focuses on changing their attitudes and routines around food and eating. The firm claims that using Noom’s mini-lessons, coaching, and food-tracking tools will lead to long-term behavioral changes.

Typically, new Noom customers sign up for a $42.25-per-month package that lasts for four months. There may be a price break for prepaying for a longer period of time.

Does the Noom Diet Work?

Noom helped me shed 7 pounds in under 30 days. Even though it was challenging, this diet has taught me more than any other. Not everyone will like using Noom since it requires constant access to a mobile device. But it did the trick for me.

The Noom diet taught me that everyone has a “elephant,” or an illogical, emotional side they need to learn to control. The elephant can be tamed if we channel our inner analytical, reasonable, and controlled selves. And now days I ride my straight by the cookie tray, or I can even dismount and give it a treat if I want to.

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